Thursday, February 13, 2014

February lessons

Monday 10th of Feb

In this lesson we looked at examples of life drawing visuals from past pupils. We practiced the 15minute pose for the purpose of the exam. Different media was offered for pupils to experiment with new effects for their life drawing pieces. Students completed a still life drawing from a selection of objects.

Thursday 6th of Feb

We discussed the layout of the Art history paper and looked at sample past papers. We covered the Early Christian settlements. Handouts and information for this will be available on the blog very soon.

Monday 3rd of Feb

We covered the life and work of Irish artist Louis le Brocquy. We watched video clips about his famous painting "The Family" and discussed the main elements of the painting. Students sketched the work and labelled the key elements. Students also completed a still life drawing using various media.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

January Art Lessons

Homework Notice

Homework to be handed in for Thursday the 6th of February. Iron Age question.

Name, describe and Discuss two examples of Celtic, La tene Art( metalwork or stonework). In your answer refer to function, materiaials, form, decoration, and techniques used in their production. AND describe the period in which they were made and those who created them. (Celtic La Tene Period).

See Iron Age notes and use other source such as internet to gather information for your answer. You must use labeled sketches to explain your key points.

Homework to be handed in for Monday the 10th of February.

2hour Still Life drawing of any objects of your choice. 3objects minimum. Any materials of your choice.

Art gallery Question to be completed. You only need to answer one question, Choose from question A or B.

A) An Art gallery is an environment designed to display artworks and can help us to a greater understanding of Art. Discuss this statement with reference to a recent visit to a named gallery describing two works in detail. AND discuss how the study of these works enhance your own practical work.

B) name a museum or gallery that you have visited recently and discuss, in detail two works that impressed you. If you were offered a number of works from this exhibition on loan to your school suggest a suitable location to display them, and discuss the layout, lighting and other visual aids you would use to enhance your display.

Art Classes in January 2014

Thursday 30th of January. Art history, Gallery Visit

In this lesson we covered the Gallery visit question in the Art Apprecition section of the Art History exam. This question comes up every year in different forms so I would highly recommend preparing well for this one. I have added a page to the blog that goes through what we covered in the lesson. It has information and photographs of the "Traces"exhibition in the Wandesford Quay Gallery, tips for answering this question and a sample gallery answer.

Monday 27th of January. Art History, Contemporary Irish Art- Roderick O Conor

In this lesson we learned to analyze paintings using a list of important questions that help you to understand what you see, think and wonder about paintings. We looked at the work of modern painter Roderick O Conor and pupils in pair analyzed his paintings. We also looked at a short video about Impressionism as this movement was very influential for O Conor. He is known as Ireland's first modern artist and comes up regularly in the Irish Art section of the Art history exam.

Thursday 23rd of January. Gallery Visit. The Wandesford Quay Gallery.

We visited the Wandesford quay gallery where my work is on show with six other artists. We discussed the gallery space, lighting, the way the work was displayed as well as the artists work and their meanings. Students took recorded their experience of the gallery in their handout and noted their favourite works and sketched the gallery space. All of this information is vital for the gallery art history question.

Monday 20th of January. Art History, Irish Art- Iron Age. 30min life drawing

We looked at the Iron Age in detail. All information on the Iron Age is up on the blog, see Irish Art and Iron Age page. Question about the Iron Age for homework. Life drawing 30minute pose using various media, charcoal, chalk pastels, oil pastels.

Monday 14th January. Still Life Drawing.

Students explored various media in this drawing class. Lesson focus- new media, composition, line, tone, colour and space.